Contributor: Brian Anthony. Lesson ID: 12293
A house is a house, right? A building is a building, yes? A building can be a work of art as well as functional. It takes imagination and inspiration. Try your hand at creative architectural design!
Imagine living in a house like the one above.
Now, close your eyes and picture your dream house.
Being an architect is like bringing your wildest ideas to life!
Imagine coming up with an awesome design in your mind and then seeing it built right in front of you.
Get ready to explore some amazing architecture and even get to create your very own building design! But first, learn some key skills you’ll need to draw your design.
As you watch the following video, jot down at least five important tips for drawing a house design.
Now, think about these questions.
Check the sample answers below to see if you have the same ideas!
Architects, like other artists, often look to the past for inspiration and add their own unique twist.
Head to the Got It? section to explore some incredible Korean architecture to spark your imagination!