Contributor: Jodi Powell. Lesson ID: 12007
A mature tree has branches strong enough to hold its leaves and perhaps some nests and a few squirrels. Similarly, a mature outline forms a strong structure on which to hang the words of your paper!
The Final Outline
There is a very important word in that title: Final. It means you're nearing the end. There's a light at the end of the tunnel!
Just a few more steps, and you will see the fruit of your labor: a finished, polished research paper.
But first, you must master the final outline!
If you are viewing the research process like a plot line, the note-taking step can be viewed as the climax.
Every step after that is a part of the falling action. It's just a matter of putting all the pieces into place.
The next piece is the final outline. The good news is, if you made detailed and accurate note cards, all you do at this step is transfer the information from your note cards into an outline.
At this step, you already have a preliminary outline prepared, so you will technically just be updating the preliminary outline by adding all the facts you collected while making note cards.
Review the basics for creating an outline with the following resources.
The preliminary outline you created contained the basics: five main topics and your thesis statement. To create your final outline, build from your preliminary outline.
Each note card you created has a slug or topic heading at the top of the card. The slugs will direct where each information should go in your outline.
There are two types of outlines: topic outline and sentence outline. Your preliminary outline is a topic outline, and your final outline will be a sentence outline. Review Outline the Paper to see the differences between these two outlines.
It is unnecessary to use a sentence outline for every outline you create, but you will use it for this research paper.
Below are the six steps to using your note cards to create an outline. Read them carefully since you will soon be applying them.
Remember, when doing a sentence outline, only one sentence is permitted per Roman numeral, letter, or number.
Look over the example outlines at Writing an Outline. Your outline should closely follow Sample Outlines #2 and #3 because they are both sentence outlines. Your outline will contain more information than these examples; however, they still serve as good examples of proper formatting.
For more information on in-text citations, read the In-Text Citations, found in Downloadable Resources in the right-hand sidebar. More detailed information on using in-text citations will be covered in the next Related Lesson on drafting the body of your paper.
Take a moment and think about your outline before you create it.
Work out any of those kinks before you apply the steps later in the lesson.
Just a tip: At this point, your introduction and conclusion may be rather short, and that's fine. You will learn more about the type of information to include in both your introduction and conclusion in future lessons.
Next, prepare to use your organizational skills again to master the art of outlining in the Got It? section.