Where's the Nearest Ocean?

Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 11523

Have you ever been to the ocean or seen it on TV? Actually, there is more than one ocean, and they are different! Since oceans cover almost 3/4 of the earth, you should learn about them, and you will!


Earth Science

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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What's mostly blue and covers more than 70% of the earth's surface?

Did you say the ocean?

That's correct! More than half of the Earth's surface is covered by oceans! The ocean is divided into five smaller oceans. Look at the map below. Can you point to and name all five oceans? Tell your teacher or parent the names of as many oceans as you can:

world map

How many oceans were you able to name?

The five oceans are the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean, and the Southern Ocean. Originally, only four oceans were recognized by scientists, but recently, the Southern Ocean was added to the list. Look at the map below to see where each ocean is located. Which ocean is closest to you? Tell your teacher or parent:

world map showing the 5 oceans

There is a lot to learn about each of the oceans, and you will create a foldable to record all the facts you learn about the oceans in this lesson.

  1. To create your foldable, fold a piece of paper in half vertically (like a hot dog). When you open the paper, there should be a line that goes down the center of the paper.
  2. Cut four evenly-spaced lines to the fold on one side of the paper. You may need to use a ruler to make sure your lines are evenly spaced. This will create five flaps.
  3. Label the top of each flap with the name of an ocean.
  4. After you have created and labeled your foldable, use the Kids-World-Travel-Guide website* (below) to learn about each ocean.
  5. Write the facts you discover about each ocean under the flaps. Make sure to look for the following information about each ocean as you explore the site:
  • How big is the ocean?
  • What is the average temperature of the ocean?
  • What is the deepest point of the ocean?
  • What type of wildlife calls the ocean home?
  • What are some unique characteristics the ocean has?

*When you get to the Kids-World-Travel-Guide website, click the names of each of the oceans located at the top of the page to learn more about each one. Don't forget to record what you learn in your foldable! Now, visit The World's 5 Oceans and get to work!

When you are finished researching the oceans and completing your foldable, share at least one interesting fact about each ocean with your teacher or parent. Then, move on to the Got It? section to practice finding each of the oceans on a globe.

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