Contributor: Nichole Brooker. Lesson ID: 11420
Impeachment is not a peachy thing for a president, but it's happened twice as of 2016. However, Bill Clinton did much good for the country despite his problems. Create a quiz about the 42nd president!
There are many interesting facts about President Clinton that may surprise you: He worked with Steven Spielberg in a presidential campaign in Texas; he was one of only eight left-handed U.S. presidents; and his nickname was "Bubba." The 42nd president of the United States involved himself in many scandals, but also balanced the budget for the first time in years. Let's explore the life and presidency of this somewhat controversial, although interesting, figure in U.S. history!
Did you know that many presidents in history have had secret talents?
President Clinton's talent was not a secret, and he proudly showed it off. He enjoyed playing the saxophone for an audience and was known for entertaining guests at the White House. Check out this list of other secret talents by past presidents from 10 Secretly Talented US Presidents by Jackie Fuchs:
It's your turn to research! To find out more about the secret talents of presidents, check out this list compiled by Jackie Fuchs, on Listverse, Ltd., 10 Secretly Talented US Presidents.
The United States presidency has seen many talented men, and most Americans didn't even know the talents their presidents possessed.
Natural-born talents is an interesting topic.
You are about to create a list of at least ten facts about President Clinton; be prepared to compare it to the extensive list in the next section. You will use your list to create a project about President Clinton. Once you have your pencil and paper ready, read 10 birthday facts about the 42nd president, Bill Clinton from the National Constitution Center, and watch the Bill Clinton *** video below from the American Presidents Series and make your list. Remember, you need at least ten facts.
In the Got It? section, you will find an extensive list of facts found in the above-mentioned sources that should match with your list. You will add to your list and use this list for an activity.