Who Was Andrew Jackson?

Contributor: Nichole Brooker. Lesson ID: 11098

Andrew Jackson had what some might call a duel personality! How does a president's character affect his performance? Create a flier for or against Jackson for President!


United States

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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Andrew Jackson, a good old-fashioned Southern man, carried out the tradition of challenging men to a fight to the death, otherwise known as a duel.

Jackson was involved in a few duels and carried two bullets in his body as proof. He killed one man after being struck in the chest, just an inch from his heart. Jackson thoroughly enjoyed a fight and often was the instigator.

  • So, how did this man become the President of the United States?
  • How many fights did he cause during his eight years as commander-in-chief?

Find out!

Andrew Jackson was considered a hot head — someone who gets angry very quickly and easily.

Jackson was known for getting mad fast when he was president. He sometimes made big decisions when angry instead of staying calm and thinking things through.

  • How could an anger issue affect someone's ability to run a country?

Andrew Jackson's Life and Contributions to U.S. History

  • What do you already know about Andrew Jackson?

List the facts you already know about Andrew Jackson. This should only be what you know and not what you look up (no Googling!).

  • Did you know that Andrew Jackson's parents emigrated from Ireland?

He was born in a settlement of Scottish and Irish immigrants along the border between North and South Carolina. This means both states claim he was born there!

  • Do your nationality and birthplace truly matter?
  • Do they help shape who or what you become?

Think about this as you watch the following video on Andrew Jackson. Add facts you learn to your list.

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Take your list of facts about Andrew Jackson to the Got It? section!

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