All Quiet on the Western Front: Chapter 7

Contributor: Melissa Kowalski. Lesson ID: 11091

Have you ever been somewhere and couldn't wait to get home? Imagine returning home after fighting in a war. Delve deeply into a soldier's experience so you can write a hometown newspaper article!


Literary Studies, World

learning style
personality style
Grade Level
High School (9-12)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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For a soldier, going home can be a dream or a nightmare.

See how Paul experiences his first extended leave after fighting on the front.

You've seen Paul and his friends at the front and behind the lines.

However, soldiers were sometimes allowed to visit home on leave. In Chapter 7, Paul returns home to visit his family for the first time after experiencing fighting on the front lines.

Before reading Chapter 7, there is some vocabulary to define.

On a separate sheet of paper, write down the definitions for the words listed below. You can look them up in either a print or online dictionary like

After writing down the definitions, write a sentence with each word, using it correctly in the sentence's context.

  quixotic   beckon   sluice
  mottled   stagnant   apoplexy
  commandant   affable   uproarious
  plume (v)   laudable   zeal
  rapture   hearken   importune
  ludicrous   skirmish   brood (v)


Now that you've defined the vocabulary for Chapter 7, you are ready to read the chapter.

Remember to have your All Quiet on the Western Front Characters (Downloadable Resources) handout nearby so you can fill in any new information in the chart as you read the chapter.

Once you've finished Chapter 7, move on to the Got It? section.

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