Contributor: Meghan Vestal. Lesson ID: 11022
You have eaten plants — lettuce, apples, and maybe even broccoli! Did you ever wonder what plants eat? Do you know they help you breathe? Learn about chloroplasts and other go-green stuff!
Like humans and animals, plants need to eat to survive and grow.
This lesson explores how plants obtain nutrients and energy to thrive. Get ready to dive into the world of plant nutrition and discover the secrets of how these remarkable organisms satisfy their hunger!
All living organisms need food and nutrients to survive.
All plants are producers, meaning they do not have to locate and consume food. Instead, plants can produce their food through a process called photosynthesis.
A plant needs three ingredients for photosynthesis: water, sunlight, and carbon dioxide.
The following steps make up the photosynthesis process.
You are correct if you said the leaves! The large surface area of the leaves allows them to receive the most sunlight; therefore, they are the site of most photosynthesis.
To learn more about photosynthesis and why it is important to you, watch the video below.
Answer the following questions in your own words.
Continue to the Go It? section for some game time!