Central America - Honduras and El Salvador

Contributor: Jodi Powell. Lesson ID: 10800

Have you ever considered what life is like for a person your age in a different country? Meet Diego, the Garifuna People and others in videos, articles, and quizzes, and learn about two tough places!



learning style
Auditory, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
Middle School (6-8)
Lesson Type
Dig Deeper

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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As we continue working our way through Central America, next we'll learn more about Honduras and El Salvador. In the first two Related Lessons, found in the right-hand sidebar, you learned about the geography of Central America, as well as the countries of Guatemala and Belize.

Do you know anything about Honduras or El Salvador? Honduras is very mountainous, while El Salvador is the smallest Central American country (smaller than the state of Massachusetts!). As you continue in this lesson, you'll notice common Central American traits of each of these two countries, as well as the big and small things that make each country unique!


Honduras flag

Sadly, Honduras has been plagued with crime and violence for many years.

Watch Why Is Honduras The Murder Capital Of The World? to learn a little more about the situation:

Image - Video


map of Honduras

Christopher Columbus discovered the country of Honduras. After his discovery, it was soon taken over by the Spanish, the reason they speak Spanish there today. Let's find out what makes Honduras both similar to and different from the other Central American countries.

Dancers of Ballet Folklórico de Honduras Oro Lenca

Image by Johann Seren (OroLenca), via Wikimedia Commons, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

El Salvador

El Salvador flag

map of El Salvador

Like its larger neighbor, Guatemala, El Salvador is a land of volcanoes. The lava from the volcanoes has caused the soil to be very fertile, and coffee is one of the country's major crops and exports.

Like Honduras, El Salvador is plagued with some crime and violence of its own.

  • Check out the El Salvador country profile at National Geographic Kids: El Salvador
  • Now take a more in depth look: "Facts about El Salvador" (Maps of World).
  • Read the facts, watch the video, and explore the map at Easy Science for Kids: "El Salvador"
  • Learn more about El Salvador from children who live there:
  •  Geography resource: The Landscape in El Salvador [sic],  from CAFODImage - Video


  • In CAFOD: Geography resource: Building peace in El Salvador, the same children share their point of view on the civil war in El Salvador:
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  • What's life like for a child in El Salvador? Watch CAFOD: El Salvador Geography resource: Diego's story for a glimpse into his life:
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La Colmenita de El Salvador

Image from Presidencia El Salvador, via Wikimedia Commons, is made available under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication.

Continue on to the Got It? section to test your knowledge.

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