Opinion Writing: Fact vs. Opinion

Contributor: Melissa LaRusso. Lesson ID: 10752

In my opinion, this is the greatest lesson on writing, and that's a fact! If that's confusing, watch these videos and write your own examples of fact and opinion statements to learn the difference!



English / Language Arts
learning style
personality style
Grade Level
Intermediate (3-5)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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Watch this Fact Versus Opinion Song - Educational Music Video to learn about fact and opinion:

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Name three opinions you heard in the song.

Now name three facts. Explain to your teacher or parent how you can tell the difference.

Sometimes it is easy to tell facts from opinions, but there are other times when it can be confusing.

Watch the Fact or Opinion for Kids video (below) to learn more tricks on telling the difference between fact and opinion:

Image - Video

Notice how opinions sentences begin. They may begin with the following phrases:

  • I think
  • I feel
  • I know
  • I believe
  • I prefer
  • The best or worst

All of these phrases generalize information and indicate that an opinion will follow. Pay attention to this when you are reading and watching television. You will begin to identify opinions.

Be careful with statements like, "Coffee is delicious."

These " _________ is _____________ "-type statements can be confusing. "Coffee is delicious" is an opinion, but the statement, "An apple is a fruit," is, indeed, a fact.

In these cases, you need to think about whether or not the statement can be proven with other factual information.

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