Contributor: Emily Love. Lesson ID: 10701
Did you know Shakespeare can be credited for the sayings heart of gold and break the ice? His works might seem intimidating, but this lesson will prepare you!
As you watch the video below, try to answer the following questions.
The works of Shakespeare are well-known around the globe.
Many students find Shakespeare's plays confusing or overwhelming because of the dated language and complicated historical references.
Furthermore, Shakespeare's plays were written to be performed and not read, so you must work harder to visualize the scenes and imagine the action when reading.
Hopefully, the opening video inspired you to take on the challenge of reading and studying The Tempest, by William Shakespeare.
For this series of Related Lessons, right-hand sidebar, you will need a copy of the play. The Tempest (No Fear Shakespeare) version is recommended. If you do not have a hard copy, you can access The Tempest online.
To get started, conduct a WebQuest to learn more about the life and work of Shakespeare; specifically, his play The Tempest.
A WebQuest is like a digital scavenger hunt. You will receive a series of questions and a set of links to websites and videos, sort of like clues. You have to use the links to answer the questions.
You can only use the clues provided on a scavenger hunt. The same is true with WebQuest. You cannot go online in search of answers from other sites.
Some of the clues are easier to figure out than others, so you will have to practice careful reading to find answers to all the questions.
When you are ready to hunt, continue to the Got It? section to prepare for the quest!