Contributor: Danielle Childers. Lesson ID: 10311
Imagine coming to a new land with no town, no home, little food, and no friends. Learn what life was like for settlers living in the Colonial settlement of Jamestown, Virginia.
The first Colonial settlers arrived in America with little food and no shelter.
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A few hundred years ago, people traveled across the ocean from Europe, hoping to start new lives in a new world.
The people who came from Europe were called settlers, and they created the first colonies. Colonies are communities in new lands controlled by another country. One of the very first colonies was called Jamestown, named after King James I of England.
At that time, the United States was very different from what it is today.
Although Native Americans already lived here, their communities were quite different from those in England. There were no towns, grocery stores, or traditional houses like the settlers were used to.
Instead, Native Americans lived off the land, hunting, fishing, and farming in ways the settlers had never seen.
Life in Jamestown was challenging. The settlers had to build their homes, schools, and churches — everything a town would need — from scratch.
They also needed to figure out what crops could grow on this unfamiliar land. With the help of the Native Americans, settlers learned to grow corn and tobacco, which became important for their survival.
Even so, the early years were full of struggles. Many settlers died from hunger, disease, and harsh winters.
Watch the video below to learn more about those early years in Jamestown.
Over time, though, Jamestown grew into a successful colony and became an important part of American history.
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