Recognizing Patterns 3: In Nature

Contributor: Danielle Childers. Lesson ID: 10249

In the previous "Patterns" lessons, you learned how to recognize and create patterns. Today, we will look for patterns in animals, plants, the weather, and you, while watching videos and having fun!


Counting and Cardinality, Plane Geometry (2D)

learning style
Kinesthetic, Visual
personality style
Grade Level
PreK/K, Primary (K-2)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

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Do you notice anything about the animals pictured above? Yes, they look like horses wearing pajamas or dressed like football referees. But do you see how the stripes go "black, white, black, white"? That's a pattern!

Do you believe patterns are everywhere? Answer before moving on.

Watch this Patterns Are Everywhere video after you answer. Was your answer correct, or did the video help you find another answer?

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Nature is filled with patterns!

In the video, you saw the patterns in leaves, zebras, and butterflies. What other patterns in nature did the video show? If we open our eyes, we can see them almost everywhere. Sometimes they are clearly seen, like a blue and red pattern, but others are not as easily spotted, like the tiger camouflaged in the tall grass. Leopards are easily spotted, but that's just a funny example!

If you walk outside, you are actually surrounded by all types of patterns.

Here are a few examples:

  • the pattern of day and night

  • the growth pattern of each plant

  • the sun moves across the sky in a pattern

  • there are weather patterns

  • animals

In this lesson, we will explore all the patterns around us, both big and small.

This Patterns in nature found amongst animals video below will show you pictures of nature's patterns. Watch the video twice, but each time with a different purpose.

The first time you watch it, look for a favorite object. The second time, watch it with your teacher and pause on your favorite object. Tell your teacher about the object and show where the pattern is found:

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Now watch and listen to the story called A Star in My Orange by Dana Meachen Rau (below). As you look through the pages of the book and listen to the story, enjoy the amazing patterns made in nature. How many of the patterns have you noticed before?

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