Who Will Get the Job? The Application Process

Contributor: Shannon Malkovsky. Lesson ID: 10100

Competition for jobs is fierce. You cannot afford to make any mistakes in any part of the job search. Learn how to read and fill out a job application, and practice by reviewing sample applications!


Finding a Career

College and Career
learning style
personality style
Lion, Otter
Grade Level
High School (9-12)
Lesson Type
Quick Query

Lesson Plan - Get It!

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You've decided it's time to get a job. You applied to five different places but haven't received a call for an interview.

  • Did you lose the job opportunity before you even had an interview?
  • How could this happen?

Watch this funny example!

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  • How can you lose a job opportunity before you even get an interview?

One sure way is incorrectly completing or failing to complete the entire application!

What is a job application?

A job application is typically your first step in applying for a job. An application will ask for personal information, job history, experience, education, awards, and references.

It includes many things you might have on a résumé, but most employers ask for both.

Why are job applications critical?

An application is an employer's first impression of you. It can determine whether or not you make it to the interview.

It is essential to complete quality applications if you want to get to the next step. Just like résumés, employers review many applications to determine who they want to call for an interview.

You will want to make sure your application stands out among the others!

Following directions is an essential aspect of completing a job application. You should always read the rules carefully, and if you don't understand what is being asked, ask for clarification.

  • Are you good at following directions?

Find out!

Complete the How Well Can You Follow Directions? sheet in the Downloadable Resources section of the right-hand sidebar.

  • Did you follow the directions on the sheet?
  • Did you complete Steps 3 through 9 on the direction sheet?

The only way you would have known to skip Steps 3 through 9 is to have read all the directions before you began the activity!

When completing a job application, you should always read all the directions before beginning the application to make sure you understand precisely what is being asked of you!

  1. Review the How to Fill Out a Job Application handout (Downloadable Resources). There are many things to think about when completing a job application.
  1. Complete your first draft of the Practice Job Application (Downloadable Resources). Fill out as much of the application as you can. Circle questions you cannot answer on your own.

Review the questions you couldn't answer, and brainstorm ways to find the answers.

Then, continue to the Got It? section to take on the role of employer!

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