7 lessons in this badge

House of Earth

Ni hao! Want to explore life in an early 20th century Chinese village? Read the first book of Buck's "House of Earth" series to earn this badge!

Jumpstart Reading Literature: Craft and Structure, Key Ideas and Details, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas
CCSS 9-10.RL.5, 9-10.RL.2, 9-10.RL.6, 9-10.RL.9

Resource Subject
1 The Good Earth: Chapters 1-4 Reading
2 The Good Earth: Chapters 5-10 Reading
3 The Good Earth: Chapters 11-15 Reading
4 The Good Earth: Chapters 16-20 Reading
5 The Good Earth: Chapters 21-25 Reading
6 The Good Earth: Chapters 26-28 Reading
7 The Good Earth: Chapters 29-34 Reading